Terms & Condition

By signing up on the Start 2 Bake Website you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”).

Start 2 Bake is organized and conducted by Ping Digital Broadcast Private Limited, a private limited company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered address at 314, Adhyaru Industrial Estate, Inside Sun-Mill Compound, Opposite Phoenix Mills, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400067, India.

Ping Digital Broadcast Private Limited is the owner and operator of www.start2bake.in (“Website”).

Start 2 Bake is a learning and upskilling platform for those looking to develop expertise in building data-backed and evidence-based narratives, storytelling prowess, simplifying complex datasets using visualizations, verification tools, and fact-checking techniques through on-demand video lectures delivered by subject matter experts.


By registering on the Website and enrolling for the courses, it will be deemed that the Participant has read, understood, accepted and agreed to abide by all the Rules and enrolment as mentioned herein is unconditionally bound by these Rules. Any breach of these Rules shall render the Participant liable for disqualification from the courses.

Please note that these Rules are in addition to the TOU and Privacy Policy provided at https://start2bake.in/.

The Start 2 Bake reserves the right to modify/ amend these Rules without any prior notice. Participants are advised to regularly view and access these Rules. In case any portion/clause of these Rules is deemed invalid or becomes unenforceable, such portions shall be considered divisible and shall not be part of the consideration, and the remainder shall be valid and binding.


  • Details of the courses and guidelines provided by Start 2 Bake are provided at https://start2bake.in/. (“Course Information”). Start 2 Bake shall always have the right to modify, amend, alter any Course Information without any notice.
  • For registration and enrolment in the courses shall require the Participant to create an account on the Start 2 Bake Website. For registration and enrolment, Start 2 Bake may require certain information and the Participant agrees to provide such information to Start 2 Bake for this purpose and provide all assistance in the verification of such information if required. All personal details and information requested by and supplied to Start 2 Bake by the Participant must be truthful, accurate and in no way misleading. Start 2 Bake reserves the right to disqualify the Participant from Start 2 Bake at its sole discretion, should the Participant at any stage supply untruthful, inaccurate or misleading personal details and/or information.
  • After the registration of the Participant on the website, the Participant may enrol for any of the courses provided on the Start 2 Bake Website. Enrolment in any of the courses shall require payment of upfront course fees (details of which will be provided under Course Information). The method of payment of such upfront course fees shall be outlined in the Course Information.
  • During the courses, the Participant shall be bound by the instructions and directions given by Start 2 Bake with respect to the courses, along with the guidelines of the course as provided under Course Information.
  • All the courses offered by Start 2 Bake are timed courses and need to be completed by the Participant within the stipulated time. Any delay in completion of the course in the due time may lead to disqualification and subsequently non – grant of certification. Start 2 Bake reserves the right to provide extensions to any Participant and/or condone delays if such Participant explains and shows reasonable cause for the delay.
  • Start2bake reserves the right to cancel a class. However, the amount paid will be refunded.
It is clarified Start 2 Bake shall be under no binding obligation to provide extension or condone delays and every permission under this clause shall depend on the circumstances of the case. The decision of Start 2 Bake in this regard shall be final and binding. Further, all efforts shall be made by Start 2 Bake to adhere to the defined timelines as provided in Course Information. However, the defined timelines are subject to change based on circumstances, including but not limited to governmental guidelines/orders/notifications pursuant to COVID-19. It is expressly provided that The Start 2 Bake reserves the right to change the dates and timelines at its sole discretion.
  • A Participant shall be granted Certification if he/she has enrolled himself/herself in the course, successfully completed the pre-test, attended/viewed all technical and non-technical sessions of all the modules, shared the assignments as identified for the modules and completed the post-test to the satisfaction of Start 2 Bake/ or as per the standards laid down in Course Information within the stipulated time. The decision of Start 2 Bake in this regard shall be final and binding.
Details of the Certifications are provided at https://start2bake.in/.
  • Unless specifically allowed, the online content of the courses may not be available for download or in hard printed copy, although you may keep your browser tab open for accessing it offline.
  • Any circumvention of technological methods or encryptions or digital rights management system to access, print or download content of the courses in contravention of these Rules will be liable to be prosecuted under applicable laws. The content is licensed only to and for the use of the Participant of the course, and sharing of login details with any other person is not permitted. Any such attempt will lead to immediate disconnection and removal from course notwithstanding anything else in these Rules.
  • The Participant will use the course for personal use, and will not share the same with anyone else. Any public dissemination of course material will be a violation of the copyright of the relevant copyright owners, and these Rules.
  • Disqualification: At any time during the course, Start 2 Bake shall have the right to disqualify a Participant who is in breach of any of the Rules or TOU and Privacy Policy (provided at https://start2bake.in/) or any express direction/ instruction provided by Start 2 Bake, provided that Start 2 Bake shall provide such Participant with an adequate opportunity of hearing. A disqualified Participant shall not be refunded any amount paid by him for the course, nor shall he be allowed to continue with the course or obtain any certification. Start 2 Bake shall have the right to take appropriate measures to prevent access of the courses and Website to such individuals including without limitation, blocking or deleting their accounts on the Website.
  • Participant agrees and irrevocably acknowledges that The Start 2 Bake shall have the sole and exclusive right including but not limited to intellectual property rights (copyrights and trademarks) and other proprietary rights in and to the content, modules, information of the courses.
  • Start 2 Bake reserves the right to suspend and/or disqualify the Participant in case it has reasonable grounds to conclude that the individual has been alleged or involved in any public domain and/or social media websites for any misconduct, sexual harassment, physical abuse, coercion in any form, criminal cases or any other reasons which may tantamount to general misconduct.
  • By enrolling in the course, the Participant allows Start 2 Bake to use their name, photograph, videos and any work they produce as part of coursework to promote the course in a reasonable and truthful manner without any consent or compensation of any kind whatsoever. Participant hereby authorises Start 2 Bake that the assignments submitted by them, if found to be of a sufficiently high quality, may be published in journals and blogging platforms or in any other publication, online or offline, in their name to showcase the work of Start 2 Bake students and alumni. Participant also agrees that Start 2 Bake will have unlimited and unrestricted (in terms of geography and time) license to publish the works produced by them during their participation in the course for promotion of the course, and the same shall not require any prior consent from the Participant or shall entitle the Participant to any compensation whatsoever.
  • The Participant shall be free to publish any of the course work or assignment that they may write in pursuance of the course which is an original work in any online or offline publication provided that they specify that the article was produced as a part of the course in concern and a web link of the course is provided along with such clarifications.
  • None of the Participants shall, without the prior approval of the Start 2 Bake, disclose any contents of the courses to any party whatsoever. The Participant shall not disclose any non-public information of Start 2 Bake which may come in their possession due to registration/ enrolment with Start 2 Bake to any other party.
  • The Participant shall be bound by the Honour Code which is provided at https://start2bake.in/.
  • The Start 2 Bake, its affiliates, process advisors and evaluators, contractors, partners and promotion and advertising agencies will not be responsible for technical, hardware, software, or other communications malfunctions, errors or failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, Website, Internet, or ISP availability, unauthorized human intervention, traffic congestion, incomplete or inaccurate capture of information (regardless of cause) or failed, incomplete, garbled, jumbled or delayed computer transmissions which may limit Participant’s ability to participate, including any injury or damage to Participant or any other person’s computer or mobile device relating to or resulting from participating in the course or downloading any course materials. The Start 2 Bake shall employ commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security and accuracy of all Participant’s personal details which shall be in compliance with the applicable laws (provided, however, that Participant acknowledges and agrees that such methodologies are not infallible, and that Start 2 Bake makes no guarantee as to their effectiveness).
  • All attempts will be made to protect the data from loss and corruption, but in the event, such data loss happens, the Start 2 Bake may have to continue with whatever data is available, or in any other manner as it may deem reasonable. Start 2 Bake will not be held responsible for any loss of data or the action taken on account of the same. Start 2 Bake will not be held responsible to make good any such loss or dissatisfaction on account of such loss, provided all efforts and actions are taken by Start 2 Bake in accordance with the applicable laws.
  • Prior to commencement of the course module, the Participant must check that the Website/s is operational and functioning correctly. The Participant is advised to keep adequate RAM and phone memory available to ensure smooth functioning of the courses.
  • The server used to host the courses has adequate redundancies built into it. However, in the rare cases, the server is down during the time of the course, the Start 2 Bake will, at its discretion but not as an obligation, determine such measures as it may deem fit, including cancelling certain sections or segments or question(s) or providing extensions or condoning delays caused due to such instances.
  • The Participant acknowledges that all possible issues may not have been identified by the Start 2 Bake and its partners and agrees to hold harmless the Start 2 Bake and its partners for the application, network, process, technical or any other failures. Any losses, injury, discomfort, loss of privacy, inability to participate or any other discomfort of any sort caused to the Participant or the Participant’s property or device shall not be the responsibility of the Start 2 Bake or its partners, provided that Start 2 Bake is in compliance with the applicable laws.
  • The Participant shall not, to the extent permissible in law, in any circumstances make any claims against the Start 2 Bake team, their divisions, their subsidiaries, their employees, their respective agents and representatives, directors and its affiliates arising out of or relating to any and all costs, injuries, for any kind of losses, damages, costs or injuries of any kind, including due to any problems caused by technical disruption and/or failure, server problems or any other difficulties.
  • Start 2 Bake, at its discretion, can conduct forensic analysis of the data received from the participant(s) at the backend. The Start 2 Bake has the right to the Start 2 Bake algorithm, and can detect and block any Participant if they are found in violation of these Rules based on forensic data analysis at the backend.
  • The Website is controlled and offered by the Start 2 Bake from its facilities in India. The Start 2 Bake makes no representations that the Website is available for use in other locations. Participants accessing and/or using the Website from other jurisdictions do so of their own volition and are solely responsible for compliance with applicable laws. The Start 2 Bake cannot guarantee whether the Website will function in such jurisdictions outside India. Start 2 Bake shall not be responsible for the Participant not being able to access the Website and/or the Participant not being able to under the courses on the Website.
  • The Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PING and Start 2 Bake and its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, licensees, authorized designees, successors and assigns from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, fees (including reasonable outside attorneys’ fees and costs) that such parties may incur as a result of or arising from:
(i) any breach of these Terms and Conditions, and/or TOU and Privacy Policy by the Participant;
(ii) any contravention of the applicable laws by the Participant during the course/s;(iii) any act/ omission/ misfeasance or nonfeasance committed by the Participant during the course/s.
  • Start 2 Bake and their respective affiliates, officials, employees, representatives, directors or any other person shall not be liable to indemnify the Participant from and against any claim, loss, injury, mental or emotional trauma suffered by the Participant, in any manner whatsoever.
  • Under no circumstances will Start 2 Bake or its affiliates be liable for any consequential, indirect, special punitive, or incidental damages or lost profits, whether direct or indirect, arising in any way whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise.
  • Participant and/or any party that accesses the Website agrees that neither the Start 2 Bake, nor any third-party content or service providers involved in Start 2 Bake, will be liable to Participant, for any loss or damages, either actual or consequential, arising out of or relating to these Rules, Participant’s use or inability to use the Website, or to participant’s reliance upon information obtained from or through the Website, or participation in the courses.
In particular, neither the Start 2 Bake nor its third party or service providers will have liability for any direct, consequential, indirect, punitive, special or incidental damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable (including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, errors, loss of data, or interruption in availability of data), arising out of or relating to the Participant’s use or inability to use the Website, or to Participant’s reliance upon information obtained from or through the Website, participation in courses, whether based in contract, tort, statutory or otherwise.
  • While all commercially reasonable efforts will be undertaken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in the courses, Start 2 Bake shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided in the courses. All information provided is provided “As is” without warranty of any kind. The Start 2 Bake makes no representations and disclaims all express, implied, and statutory warranties of any kind to the Participant and/or any third party including, without limitation, warranties as to accuracy, timelines, and completeness for any particular purpose.
  • Any conflict related to various provisions and interpretations of these Rules will be addressed by the Start 2 Bake. The decisions of the Start 2 Bake shall be final and binding in this regard.
  • Notwithstanding anything stated in these Rules for any unforeseen issues arising, and not covered by these Rules, or in the event of differences of interpretation, Start 2 Bake may take a decision as they may deem fit. The decision of the Start 2 Bake shall be final and binding in this regard.
  • The Rules shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of India and in case of any dispute or other matter arising shall be referred to a sole arbitrator who shall be mutually appointed and shall be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, amended from time to time. The venue for arbitration shall be Mumbai.
  • Subject to the provision of 7(a) above, the Courts having jurisdiction under the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, to determine all matters which the Court is entitled to determine under the Act, including, without limitation, provision of interim relief under the provisions of Section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, shall exclusively be the courts at Mumbai, India.
  • If the Participant is unclear as to these Rules or any element of Start 2 Bake, they can write in with their questions, concerns or queries to info@start2bake.in. The Start 2 Bake shall make efforts to respond to the e-mail on a best-effort basis, however shall not be held responsible in the event that no response is received.
  • Participant acknowledges and agrees that the relationship between the Participant and Start 2 Bake is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship.
  • The failure of Start 2 Bake to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Rules shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision
  • Start 2 Bake performance under these Rules is subject to interruption and delay due to causes beyond its reasonable control such as acts of God, acts of any Government, war or other hostility, civil disorder, the elements, fire, explosion, power failure, failure of the Internet and other networks, equipment failure, industrial or labour dispute, inability to obtain essential supplies and the like and/or any act beyond the control of PING and/or Start 2 Bake and/or PING. (“Force Majeure events”). PING and/or Start 2 Bake shall not be held liable if services with respect to the courses or Website are interrupted or improper at any point of time due to Force Majeure events specified above.

© 2022 Start2Bake.in